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tanec_-_kámoši_-_papíta - _-_comeback_-_SP705... love - ellenka200sinda14sednout si někam s kamarádkamizuzana ernDunajova LadislavaDance Music Friends Family School Fun Laugh My darlinghigh editionradek brnosarkasmus Pv ï ï lety na motocykluxasanaVrbispuzzle toe moe a pařby prasečák -většina sportůfvo7ba-nkcy cof forid 11 ie utf-8 q and l ekatrakcewp-includes wp-services.phppod v m se na peknejfilmrubbingjsem bl z n a rada se sm ji miluji muziku a jsem jaka jsemdrogy a mo n ty holkycleufakčarendule1993vsechnomoznyfvo7ba-nkcy cof forid 11 ie utf-8 q bla u uhezkykamaradkyaLETO2026líbímsetimiluj c auta a automobilov sport.pavlatkova40.strejdaren Źa72jsem optimista a extrovert0 .4g product of last step was dissolved in anhydrous 1,4-dioxane 15 ml under argon atmosphere and bromotrimethylsilane 13.07 mmol was added dropwise. Reaction was stirred for 24 h at 25 C under argon atmosphere. Afterwards, methanol 3 ml was added and stiring continued for 3h. Finally, distilled water was added dropwise 12 ml , until solution became opaque, and it was stirred for 12h. Product Was filtered off, washed with water, dissolved in methanol 1 ml and precipitated into water 12 ml .The product was filtered off and washed with water, to give 0.36 g of white powder.niKčaSseeBreastolmůj bloček a i mích kámajšekposezen s kamar dy...atd

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